The Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) meet 5- 6 times a year using an online platform. This commenced during Covid – 19 Lockdowns and has proved to be a successful method of communicating with parents and community members.
Coming to P&C meetings is a way of finding out what is happening in the school and of having your opinion heard. The Principal reports at each meeting on the events or activities planned.
Informed decisions about expenditure and fundraising are made collaboratively with the school Principal. It is important that as many people as possible attend these nights so that a good sample of opinions can be heard and discussed.
The P&C functions through a number of committees. These committees include:
Parents and caregivers are invited to participate on any of these committees. Your expertise is eagerly sought.
2023 P&C Executive Committee:
President: Dylan Hooper (Year 1 Parent)
Vice President: Joaben Thompson (Year 1 Parent)
Secretary: Mel Ballantine (Year 1 and Year 3 Parent)
Tuckshop Convenor: Kelli Coates (Year 2 and Year 4 Parent)
Uniform Shop Convenor: Shada Cornellisen (Year 1 and Year 4 Parent)
Fundraising Convenor: Vacant
Combined School Care Subcommittee:
Treasurer: Nerina Barnes (Year 2 Parent)